How to Shop for Countertops When Shortages and Delays Impact Your Experience
If you’ve been thinking about getting new countertops but concerns about shortages, price increases, and delays are causing you to hit the pause button, here’s some good news. Wisconsin Granite makes it easy to move forward with your countertop project despite current supply chain issues.

Here at Wisconsin Granite, we have no shortages or delays. We have aggressive pricing to max out your budget. Our showroom is fully stocked with stone slabs (granite and quartz), so there’s no waiting for deliveries or delays. We stock so you don’t have to wait. And, when you select one of our in-stock stones, you only pay for what you use. You do not need to purchase the whole slab, which will keep your overall investment down. We also focus on keeping our lead times down. That means we can install quickly so you can enjoy your countertops sooner.

Embarking on a remodeling project can be overwhelming. At Wisconsin Granite, we strive to simplify the process. Keeping the showroom stocked and offering all-inclusive packages for both granite and quartz is part of how we make getting new countertops easier than ever. No matter what your style, we’ve got you covered, so check us out today.